Friday, September 30, 2005

welcome to the new blog

this is my first foray into the world of blogging. wow, isn't that exciting?

i'm currently working on my first proper book after five years of working on other people's books. it's a collection of poetry - about 64 pages long, with a working title of either 'transit' or 'epilogue'.

selecting the poems has been surprisingly difficult as has deciding on the order. i think i have that roughly right now and am working on the design. i spent a few hours over the last couple of nights scanning slides of potential images for the front cover.

i hope to have the book ready in about two weeks, but will leave regular up-dates here about what's happening. once that is more or less ready i will be full-steam-ahead on working on my website you can check it out now, but there's only a splash page.

feel free to post comments / questions etc.

on my headphones as i write: 'revolution solution' by the theivery corporation, from the album 'the cosmic game'.