Sunday, June 25, 2006

nu stuff

a long awaited upgrade has just occurred on

there is now a third page to the gallery, featuring some of my more recent work - click on the photo in my hands on the home page to access the gallery, and then click 'page 3'...

also, you can now buy an eBook version of my poetry book 'epilogue' (given that there are virtually no paper book copies left). that costs US$4 on paypal, and you get to that bit on the website by clicking on the cover of the book on the home page of the website.


Saturday, June 24, 2006

little world

i'm currently in the process of reading an excellent book called 'the christian imagination' edited by leland ryken (sounds a bit boring i know - but truly isn't). i'm always on the look-out for quotes etc that help define what i mean by my 'safe little world' concept and how that can be realised through art.

in an essay by gene edward veith jr called 'reading and writing worldviews' included in 'the christian imagination', i found this quote:

"The very act of writing involves the articulation of meanings - drawn from the author's beliefs, assumptions, and imaginative constructions - that constitute a little world, which readers, by letting the language play in their own minds as they read, can access in their own terms."

on the headphones: 'we r the omc' by omc, from the album 'in the neighbourhood' (various).