Saturday, November 12, 2011

installation views

Well, the piece is now up at draw inc., in Hamilton. Some installation views and video...

safe little world: gallery installation at draw inc., hamilton, new zealand from andrew killick on Vimeo.


Art said...

Nice one Andrew! Kristin had an exhibition in that exact room during the fringe festival (just a few weeks ago). How much are the pieces? is there a way we can see them without travelling to Hamilton? I like Hamilton, but it is not juxtaposed to me...

andrew killick said...

hi art... the pieces are $40 each if bought individually and $650 for the entire cluster. each image is from a limited edition of 20. there is a way to see the piece without travelling to hamilton... but i was going to talk about that after the exhibition is over. if one was to explore the safe little worlds of the internet one might locate it though... :)