Wednesday, February 01, 2006

some changes a-coming

i've got a few new ideas for my website coming up.

i'm planning to add a 'favicon' to the site so that when you visit or save my website in a favourites list it'll have a nifty little icon beside the address. excitement!

the program i'll be using to create the favicon is iconomaker 3.0, which has just been released by icon empire. it's a cool little program that lets you do all kinds of effects to create real nice windows icons. it occurs to me that icon creation might have potential as a full-blown art project - tiny little pictures that you click on reveal something else...

anyway, check out iconomaker by visiting

also coming up on my website is a new postcard project which will involve quite a bit of design work on the site - but more on that later!

on the headphones: '8:45 PM on a rainy friday' by christophe e. download it for free here

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