Friday, November 10, 2006

matters of style

i'm not a big fan of presidential quotes, but i like this one:

"In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

in other creative-orientated news, i've started keeping a digital scrapbook. any images or whatever i see on the net that inspire me in some way i am now pasting into an indesign file and keeping as a pdf. obviously, due to copyright there isn't much i can do with my scrapbook other than keep it for my own enjoyment, but according to a seminar on design i heard a couple of years ago, keeping a scrapbook is always a good idea.

today's additions to my scrapbook were found here and here.

can i also say in passing, how impressed i am with the new version of mozilla firefox? it includes inline spell checking when you type on the internet - which is brilliant for blog writing and stuff.

on the headphones: 'honey (azoia dub)' by tosca, from the album 'different tastes of honey'.

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