Saturday, November 26, 2005

nothing happening (much)

sales of the book are still ticking along. in fact this week i started making tentative enquiries about getting a few more copies printed. in publishing there is a fine balancing act that happens when stock starts to get low - you want stock on hand in case of significant orders but you don't want to end up with too many copies. tomorrow the pastor at church has promised to promote the book from the front - so i guess that will lead to more sales... i've sent a couple of review copies to the states too. hopefully if i need more copies i will be able to get them before christmas.

added a couple of fantastic new links to the links page of my website - check them out.

i might add some new images to the gallery too today (maybe). also stand by for a new blog that i have in the pipeline.

ps. have you noticed that that picture of me to the right looks like i have one eyebrow raised a la the rock?

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