Friday, May 23, 2008

star wars news episode IV: the colour of vader's money

star wars news: news from the dark nether regions of star wars fandom, or in this case from the dark side of the force.

the empire really had their systems and government structures together, a pretty well oiled machine.

today we have a rather interesting artefact from the imperial economic system - bank notes used as currency throughout the empire during the time of the rebellion.

these bank notes were designed by one j. scott campbell (aka diablo2003) (also happens to be an artist for marvel). i came across them on ffffound image bookmarking, but they were originally posted on deviantART. the blurb on deviantART says that j. scott designed them as a guest artist at a star wars fan day. read more about the bank notes here and more about j. scott campbell here.

this episode is brought to you in association with the quote "i find your lack of faith disturbing" - darth vader

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